Help Menu

In the Java-based DPX Management Interface, you can open the HTML versions of the following product documents in your default web browser:

  • Catalogic DPX Quick Start Guide

  • Catalogic DPX User’s Guide

  • Catalogic DPX Reference Guide

Tip. The HTML versions of the product documents require a supported web browser and the Internet access. Ensure that you are seeing the up-to-date documents instead of old documents that were loaded from your browser cache.

To open the top page of these three documents (Contents), click Help in the menu bar and click Contents.

In addition, you can open the document page that is relevant to what you are seeing in the main pane of the Java-based DPX Management Interface. To open the relevant help page, click Help in the menu bar and click On Topic. Or, press [F1].

In addition, you can use the following Help items in the menu bar:

Help > Catalogic Software on the Web

Switch to your default web browser and open the home page of Catalogic Software (

Help > Email-Technical Services

Switch to your default email client and compose a new message for Catalogic Software Technical Support:

Help > Show Error Messages

Switch to your web browser and open a single HTML page, Error Messages, that outlines all error codes, messages, and explanation of Catalogic DPX.

Tip. You can directly open the Error Messages page from your web browser by opening the following page: http://<Catalogic DPX IPv4 or hostname>:6122/gui/bexError.htm.

Help > About DPX [Ctrl + Z]

Open the About DPX window that shows the product version, product build date, and copyright information about Catalogic DPX. Click Licensing Info and you can see additional license information, including the third-party software that is used in Catalogic DPX.

Help > About DPX License [Ctrl + B]

Open the DPX License window where you can manage the license information for Catalogic DPX.

See also. For more information about managing licenses, follow the instructions in Chapter 28: Managing Licenses.

Help > Autoupdate DPX [Ctrl + E]

Runs an Autoupdate scan to retrieve, deploy, and install software update packages.

Help > Nodes info

Runs a Nodes Info scan to display the status of nodes in the Enterprise.

See also. For more information about scanning nodes to get node information, follow the instructions in Chapter 29: Getting node information.

Last updated