Restoring a SharePoint Configuration

To restore only a SharePoint Portal 2003 or Windows SharePoint Services configuration:

Warning! If your SharePoint configuration has changed on the restore destination machine in any way since the last SharePoint configuration backup, the backed up configuration is no longer valid.

  1. Before restoring a SharePoint configuration, open Windows Service Control Manager and do the following:

    1. Stop IIS Admin Service, which also stops WWW Publishing Service, SMTP, FTP Publishing Service, and HTTP SSL. Stopping IIS Admin Service also stops all IIS Admin Service dependent application services.

    2. Stop SharePoint Administrator, which also stops SharePointPS Search.

    3. Stop SharePoint Alert.

    4. Stop SharePoint Timer Service.

  2. Begin to define a File Restore job using standard procedures. See Chapter 1.“Restore”.

  3. In the restore source tree, select the database that contains the SharePoint Portal 2003 configuration or the Windows SharePoint Services configuration. SharePoint Portal 2003 configuration database names usually are in the format portalname_Config_db, where portalname is the first eight characters, not including spaces, of the portal name. If the first eight characters are the same in another portal name, the eighth character in the portalname string is an incremental numeric value. The Windows SharePoint Services configuration default database name is STS_Config_db.

  4. In the restore destination tree, select where the SharePoint configuration database is to be restored to.

  5. Finish defining and running the File Restore job using standard procedures. See Chapter 21: Restore.

  6. After restoring a SharePoint Portal configuration, start IIS service and all SharePoint Portal related services.

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