Performing an On-Demand VM Backup in the vSphere Client

You can run the Catalogic DPX on-demand backup policy that are associated with VMs that you want to protect in the VMware vSphere Client. In this case, the you have to assign the policy to the VMs. Moreover, you can specify the number of days to retain the backup.

Take the following steps to select a VM in VMware vSphere Client, specify the number of days to retain the backup, and start the on-demand backup policy:


  1. Open VMware vSphere Client.

  2. Right-click the VM to protect, and click DPX Actions > DPX Backup... to open the DPX Backup dialog box.

  3. You can see the policy that was assigned to this VM. Enter the number of days to retain the backup in the Retention Days field. Click Run.

  4. Open the DPX Management Interfaces, go to the job monitor page to monitor the backup job progress. The backup job has a name with prefix "vmob+<timestamp>". Ensure that the backup job completes.

Last updated