Establishing SharePoint Control Nodes

In an Enterprise, a SharePoint server is referred to as a node, with one or more nodes specifically identified as a SharePoint control node. The SharePoint control node is a front-end server that DPX uses to control all browse, backup and restore activities. All SharePoint applications in DPX must have at least one physical node that acts as a SharePoint control node. Any front-end server that has SharePoint VSS writer enabled can act as the SharePoint control node. If DPX detects that the SharePoint VSS writer is enabled for a physical node then that physical node is added to the Enterprise as a SharePoint control node.

For a SharePoint farm that runs on multiple servers, you can establish multiple SharePoint control nodes. In addition, to designate a particular front-end server to act as the SharePoint control node, classify it as the primary SharePoint control node; when the primary control node is not available, DPX will automatically fall back to the next available control node.

For instructions on establishing a primary SharePoint control node classification, along with a SharePoint control node automatic failover strategy, see Configuring Automatic Failover Functionality for SharePoint Farms.

Last updated