Reloading the Catalogic DPX Environment in the Shell Session

Before installing or updating Catalogic DPX Plug-In for VMware vSphere Client, update and reload the Catalogic DPX Environment by taking the following steps:

  1. Log in to a shell session of the Catalogic DPX Master Server, typically, by using an SSH client.

  2. Change the working directory to /opt/catalogic/:

    cd /opt/catalogic/

    Get the SSL thumbprint for Catalogic DPX Plug-in for VMware vSphere Client:

    cat /opt/catalogic/opt-apigateway/keystore.jks.thumbprint

    Typically, the SSL thumbprint looks similar to the following example:

  3. Edit the YAML file, dpx.yml, with a text editor such as vi:

    sudo vi /opt/catalogic/dpx.yml
  4. In dpx.yml, find the following section and nested key-value pairs:

    • Section (#): # DPX vSphere plug-in manager service

    • Key (level 1): vplugin-mgr

    • Key (level 2): environment

    In the list value for the environment key, add the following items:

    - AUTH_URL_FORMAT=http://%s/auth
    - DPX_MASTER_URL_FORMAT=http://%s/app/api
    - SERVER_SSL_THUMBPRINT=<the SSL thumbprint>
  5. Reload the configuration files in the Catalogic DPX Master Server:

    make stop
    sudo make start

After completing this task, you can install or update the Catalogic DPX Plug-in for VMware vSphere Client.

Last updated