Setting Verification Options for Microsoft Exchange Server
Catalogic DPX provides several application verification options associated with the backup source node.
Take the following steps to edit the verification options for Microsoft Exchange Server:
Click the Configure tab, then click Enterprise.
In the left pane, browse to the node to be verified and click it. Node information and node options, including verification options, appear in the right pane.
Note the following node options applicable to Exchange verification. (Unless specified, these fields apply to the backup source node):
Verify Applications
Indicates whether applications on this node should be verified “inline”, “deferred”, or not at all.
Do not perform application verification.
Perform application verification as part of the backup job, before cataloging.Verification tasks appear in the job monitor as they occur. If the inline verification fails, the job fails and it is not cataloged in the Catalog.
Perform application verification as a separate job, after the backup job is completed and cataloged. Deferred verification can be performed automatically after a given time interval. After each deferred verification, the corresponding backup instance is updated in the catalog with the status. For information related to the state of Exchange backups, see Determining the Verification State of a Backed Up Job Instance. “On Demand” verification is initiated from the Restore window by right-clicking the job instance you want to verify and selecting Verify from the context menu. Information boxes appear as the verification job is created. When you click Run or Run and Monitor on the final information box, the verification job is queued up and begins as soon as possible.
Verification Options > Verification Node
This is the name of a node to be used for verification.The verification node must be running iSCSI Initiator, the appropriate application tools (such as Exchange tools), and the same operating system as the backup node.
Note. Any cluster virtual node, including an Exchange DAG virtual node, cannot be manually selected as a verification node; however, if the Verification option is set but no verification node is selected, the virtual node will be used as the verification node.
Verification Options > Deferred Verification Interval
Deferred verification can be performed automatically at a given time interval. Enter the number of minutes to delay verification after the backup job completes.
Verification Options > Exchange Options > Verify Database (Exchange)
Exchange transaction logs are always verified, but in Exchange you can control whether or not Exchange databases are verified. This option is only in effect if verification (inline, deferred, or on-demand) is chosen for the node.
Exchange databases and transaction logs will be verified.
Exchange database will not be verified, but Exchange transaction logs will be verified.
Note. For versions of Exchange earlier than Exchange, verification always includes both the Exchange database and transaction logs. Thus, for earlier versions of Exchange this option has no effect.
Verification Options > Exchange Options > Throttle Database Verification (Exchange)
Throttling allows you to reduce system load due to verification processing.
The Pause for 1 second after field will be active. Enter the number of I/O operations after which verification will pause for one second.
Database verification will not be throttled.
Note. Throttling is not supported for versions of Exchange earlier than Exchange 2010/2013/2016. Thus for earlier versions of Exchange this option has no effect.
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