Special Features

The interface has several time saving, error reducing features that help you integrate the AML/SDLC into your backup strategy.

  • Once you have added media volumes to an AML/SDLC scratch pool, you do not have to add the media volumes a second time to the media pool.

  • DPX automatically labels media volumes and adds the volumes to the Catalog. Automatic labeling provides several advantages. It saves time because it eliminates the need to write label prior to the backup operation. It ensures that DPX correctly records the volume label in the Catalog, thereby eliminating the chance of human error.

  • When you remove volumes from or insert volumes into an AML/SDLC, DPX automatically examines the contents of the AML/SDLC and determines which volumes have been added or removed.

  • DPX provides error handling when a media volume has been left in a drive. For example, if DPX discovers a tape has been inadvertently left in a drive, perhaps by a third party product, power failure, or software error, it checks to see if the tape is the desired tape. If the tape is correct, DPX uses it. If not, DPX requests that the tape be returned to a slot and replaced with the desired tape.

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