Loading Media to a Tape Library Device

Use the Load Tape to Device function to load tape library media into a drive.

To load tape library media:

  1. Select the Load Tape to Device function by doing one of the following:

    • From the menu bar, select Function > Load Tape to Device.

    • On the task panel, click Load Tape to Device.

  2. Do one of the following to execute the operation.

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume to be loaded and drag the media volume onto an empty drive (device).

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume you want to load and select an empty drive (device).

    Once you’ve selected the media volume, click GO.

DPX acquires the drive and loads the media volume.

Note. For IBMATL and ACSLS tape libraries, the Load function is inactive.

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