RRP General Considerations

  • You cannot use RRP for VMware vApp or VMs in it.

  • RDM disks are converted to virtual disks.

  • Running an RRP job to an NFS target datastore causes the machine to power off when the job completes. This is the outcome of using a cloning operation, as migration to an NFS target datastore is not supported. This is due to a VMware limitation.

  • If the Instant Virtualization VM to be used for RRP (or Full with RRP) was created with a version of Catalogic DPX that does not support RRP, then RDM compatibility mode will be automatically converted from physical to virtual compatibility mode, which is required by Storage vMotion.

  • If a RRP job fails, you cannot define and run another RRP job that uses the same Instant Virtualization VM. If you attempt to do so, a message will indicate that processing has failed because the VM is involved in an active or incomplete RRP job. Re-run the job.

Last updated