Launching the Java-based DPX Management Interface from the Catalogic DPX Master Server or Client

Instead of opening the Java file from your workstation, you can also launch the Java-based DPX Management Interface from systems for either Catalogic DPX Master Server or the Catalogic DPX Client.

Restrictions. You cannot use the Java-based DPX Management Interface on the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliances for VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V. Use the web browser method which is described in the previous section or the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface from your workstation.

On the Catalogic DPX Master Server appliance for Microsoft Windows, you can start the Java-based DPX Management Interface by opening the desktop icon that was installed with Catalogic DPX. Or, you can start the Java-based DPX Management Interface from Start > All Programs > DPX > Management Console.

On the Catalogic DPX Master Server appliance for Linux, you have to prepare a window manager such as the X Window System and log in to a graphical desktop session. Then, you can start the Java-based DPX Management Interface by running the following script file:


Restrictions. When you update the Catalogic DPX Master Server, always use your web browser to launch the Java-based DPX Management Interface instead of opening the Java file on your workstation. For more information about updating the Catalogic Master Server, see Installing Catalogic DPX Software Update Packages in the Reference Guide.

Last updated