Backing up the Microsoft Hyper-V Assets

To back up your Microsoft Hyper-V assets, take the following steps in the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface:

  1. From a supported web browser, log in to the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface. From the navigation pane, click Job Manager.

  2. Click New Backup Job to open the New Job window.

  3. On the New Job window, provide the following information:

    • Enter a name for the job in the Job Name field.

    • Select Hyper-V for Job Type.

    • Select a folder in Job Folder (optional).

  4. In the SOURCES pane, click on the Add Source button. The Source window will open. Expand the source and select the VM and then click on the Select button. You may search for a source in the Search field for sources using the search feature. Results may be organized in Breadcrumbs View or Tree View.

  5. In the EXCLUSIONS pane, click the Add Exclusion button. The Exclusions window will open. Click Exclusion Pattern to enter a pattern to match VM names for VMs that should be excluded from the backup job. Select from Contains, Equals, Starts With and Ends With, and enter text for to match the VM names of the VMs to be excluded. Each has the option to be a Case Sensitive Pattern. Enable this if the pattern should be case sensitive. Click Apply. More than one exclusion pattern may be added. Select the Hyper-V Host to which the exclusions should be applied. Click Select.

  6. In the DESTINATION pane, click Set Destination. The Destination window will open. Expand the destination host and select the pool and then click Select. You may search for a destination in the Search field for destinations using the search feature. Results may be organized in Breadcrumbs View or Tree View. Hyper-V backups will automatically create the volume for each virtual machine selected based on the unique identifier of the virtual machine.

  7. In the SCHEDULES pane, click Set Schedule. The Schedule window will open. For one-time backups, select Once. Catalogic DPX can also schedule routine backups by selecting to run a backup Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. All schedules must provide a time to begin the backup in the Run Backup at field, a start date in the Select start date field, and a retention period in the Retention day(s) field. Additional fields allow for the customization of the schedule through providing end dates, a frequency per hour or day, selecting days of the week, the number of weeks, or selecting days in a month.

  8. After setting the options for the desired schedule, click Save.

  9. Click Save to save the backup job and open the Run Job window.

  10. In the Run Job window, click Run to start the job.

See the backup job progress on the Job Monitor. Ensure that you can see the status of this job in the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface.

Last updated