Running a backup job with SAP HANA Studio

After the SAP HANA database system is registered and configured, a backup job can be executed.

Before you begin

One or more databases must be registered and properly configured in SAP HANA Studio before a backup job can be initiated.

About this task

SAP HANA Studio is used to initiate backup and restore (recovery) jobs. The DPX interface may be used to monitor the progress of jobs but should never be used to initiate backup or restore jobs. There are two options for initiating a backup job with SAP HANA Studio, using the backup wizard, or backing up a tenant database.


Select the desired procedure to run a backup job.

Backing up with the Backup Wizard

  1. In the Systems pane, click on the Backup entry in tree under a SAP HANA database system that is registered and configured. The Backup SYSTEMDB@<xxx> (SYSTEM) pane will open, where <xxx> is the System ID.

  2. Click on the Open Backup Wizard button on the Overview tab.

  3. In the Specify Backup Settings window, for Backup Type, select Complete Data Backup, Differential Backup, or Incremental Backup.

  4. Select Backint for Destination Type.

  5. Enter a Backup Prefix for the job.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review the backup job settings on the Review Backup Settings pane.

  8. Click Finish to begin the backup job.

Backing up the Tenant Database

  1. In the Systems pane, right-click on the Backup entry in tree under a SAP HANA database system that is registered and configured. The Backup SYSTEMDB@<xxx> (SYSTEM) pane will open, where <xxx> is the System ID.

  2. Select Back Up Tenant Database. The Specify tenant database will open.

  3. Select the database to be protected and click Next.

  4. In the Specify Backup Settings window, for Backup Type, select Complete Data Backup, Differential Backup, or Incremental Backup.

  5. Select Backint for Destination Type.

  6. Enter a Backup Prefix for the job.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Review the backup job settings on the Review Backup Settings pane.

  9. Click Finish to begin the backup job.


The backup job will begin. To monitor the results of a backup job, click on the Backup entry in the tree under a SAP HANA database that is running or has completed a previous backup job on the Systems pane. Click the Backup Catalog tab to view job information.

What to do next

Run a restore (recovery) job. For more information, see Running a restore (recovery) job with SAP HANA Studio.

Last updated