Physical View Restore

Physical View gives you better control over files to restore by restoring physical Oracle application component files:

Take the following steps to enable the physical view:

  1. On the source pane, expand the Oracle disk to the backup instance level.

  2. Right-click a backup instance to restore. This opens a context menu.

  3. Select Oracle Physical View from the context menu. You can then expand the source destination tree and see the physical components of the Oracle backup. You can select data files, control files, and archive logs to restore. Complete the restore steps outlined in Introduction to the Restore Functions in the Reference Guide.

Support for Physical View Restore is subject to the following considerations:

  • You must select a destination directory (not Original Location).

  • The restore destination node must be running the same operating system version as that of the source node.

  • The data files are listed on the restore source pane with names in the format datafile_<file-id>, where <file-id> is the absolute file number assigned by Oracle for this data file. This is done to distinguish data files that have same file name. For example, a tablespace can have files /ora/dir1/file1 and /ora/dir2/file1. In this case, Catalogic DPX cannot simply use file1 because there exist two files with that name.

    Although the files appear with these names, their original names are used while restoring them. For the example above, file1 is created on the restore destination node. Because all files in this view are restored to a single destination directory, it is not possible to select files with the same name, such as those in the example, in the same restore job. However, this particular configuration – where a tablespace uses files with same name – is extremely uncommon though it is theoretically possible.

  • The parameter file (pfile.txt) is available for restore only if the database instance was using server parameter file at the time of backup.

  • Two control files, binary and text, are visible.

  • No Oracle application level processing is done by Catalogic DPX.

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