Logical View Restore: Cloning

The Cloning operation is supported only in logical view, not physical view. Only whole databases can be cloned. This option clones an Oracle database on an alternate node by way of Instant Access.

Take the following steps to enable the cloning operation for Oracle Databases:

  1. Set up a destination node with the following requirements:

    • The destination node must not be the source machine, which is the node from which the backup was originally taken.

    • The destination node must have Oracle Database and Catalogic DPX installed. The version of the Oracle software must be the same as that of the source database, which is the database whose backup will be recovered.

    • The restore destination node must be running the same operating system version as that of the source node.

    • When performing an Oracle clone restore, ensure that the destination node does not have the same logical mount points as the source database. The restore process and Oracle startup require that the recovered data be available at the same file system locations that were backed up on the source server. The Instant Access restore process automatically creates the appropriate mount points. For example, if the source database has files hosted on mount points /ora or E:, ensure these mount points are not present on the destination node so that Catalogic DPX may use them.

    • To connect to the Oracle instance on the destination node, OS authentication is used. Therefore, the command sqlplus "/ as sysdba" is expected to work when run from a user account with whose privileges Catalogic DPX is running.

    • The destination node should have a configuration similar to that of the source node in terms of memory, etc., as all Oracle parameters have the same values as they did at backup time. It is recommended that the destination node be a very simple installation of the operating system, Oracle Database, and Catalogic DPX.

  2. Set the restore destination job option Oracle Restore Mode to Clone Database. See Special Restore Destination Options for Oracle.

  3. Optionally, populate the job option Oracle Home with the value of Oracle_Home on the target node. If the job option Oracle Home is not populated, the value defaults to the node property Oracle Home, which is set during node configuration. See Special Restore Destination Options for Oracle.

  4. If the target node is Windows, requires a password to create an Oracle Instance on the target node. Populate the job option Oracle Instance Password with the password. If this field is not populated, uses the value sysadmin. Once cloning is complete, the password must be changed. See Special Restore Destination Options for Oracle.

  5. If the target node is UNIX, populate the job option Oracle UNIX User Name with the user name of the owner of the Oracle Installation on the restore destination node. If the job option Oracle Home is not populated, the value defaults to the node property Oracle UNIX User, which is set during node configuration. If neither field is not populated, DPX uses the value oracle. See Special Restore Destination Options for Oracle.

  6. Select the Oracle database to clone. Only a whole database can be cloned. Then complete the restore steps outlined in Introduction to the Restore Functions in the Reference Guide.

When the Cloning operation is run, the following occurs:

  • All restore source volumes where Oracle files are hosted are Instant Access mapped. This includes data files, archive log destinations, flash recovery area (for Oracle 10g or later), and all other Oracle files. Note that any given volume is Instant Access mapped using the volume’s same drive letter or mount point; therefore the target node should not already have that drive letter or mount point present.

  • The archive logs are restored to a temporary location.

  • The text parameter file is restored.

  • An Oracle instance is created. On Windows, this uses the password defined in the Oracle Instance Password job option.

  • The Oracle instance is started, using the text parameter file, and mounted.

  • The database is recovered up to the last system change number in the last archive log.

Prerequisites for cloning

The following are important considerations for Oracle Logical View Restore: Cloning:

  • During backup, the source database must use server parameter file.

  • It is the user’s responsibility to assure the target server is properly configured.

  • The Oracle Instance Password may appear in clear text in certain files and modules. Therefore, once cloning completes, the password must be changed by the user.

  • Once cloning completes, the database continues to actively use Instant Access mapped file systems.

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