SAP Interface Installation

The DPX SAP interface is easily installed via an interactive installation procedure.

  • On UNIX:

    To start the installation procedure under UNIX, run bexsapin. The bexsapin installation procedure is located in the misc subdirectory of the directory in which DPX is installed. The UNIX installation procedure is designed to be run multiple times. You need to run the procedure for each node that has an SAP database.

  • On Windows:

    To run the installation procedure under Windows, do the following:

    1. Click Start > Programs > DPX > Database Configuration Utility.

    2. The Application Interface Configuration dialog appears.

    3. In the right pane, enter the master server hostname, user name, and password.

    4. In the left pane, select the database you are interested in setting up.

    5. Follow instructions provided in the right pane.

Pre-Installation Checklist

Before you begin the installation procedure, you should have the following information handy.


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