Configuration of DB2 Interface

The following procedures should be performed on the DB2 node (the machine running your DB2 database) after your Enterprise has been defined and the DB2 node has been added to the Enterprise.


  1. Click Start > Programs > DPX > Database Configuration Utility.

  2. The Application Interface Configuration dialog appears.

  3. In the right pane, enter the master server hostname, user name, and password.

  4. In the left pane, select the database you are interested in setting up.

  5. Follow instructions provided in the right pane.


  1. Set environment variables as follows:

  • Set INSTHOME to point to the home of the DB2 instance on this machine (the DB2 node). Check with the DB2 administrator to locate this directory.

  • Set SSPRODIR to the BEX production directory. This is the directory in which the software is installed on the DB2 node.

  1. Run the DB2 installation program BEXdbins from the misc subdirectory of the directory in which DPX is installed.

    • From the main menu, run option 1. Follow instructions in the installation dialog.

    • From the main menu, run option 2. Follow instructions in the configuration dialog.

    • From the main menu, select option 3 to exit the installation program.

  2. Run the following command, which is required for autoarchiving: db2 update db config for <database-name> using LOGARCHMETH1 VENDOR:/SSPRODIR/lib/libbexdb2-shared.a.64

  3. Add the production directory, SSPRODIR, to the DB2 instance’s environment using the following command (this must be done after the environment variable SSPRODIR has been set):

    db2set DB2ENVLIST SSPRODIR DB2 must be restarted for this to take effect.

Note. Tape encryption requires setting specific parameters. See Encryption Considerations for Database Applications.

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