Procedure for Remote Deployment

Run the remote deployment procedure from a local Windows node on which DPX is already installed.

On the local machine, do the following:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an administrator with privileges to the domain.

  2. Insert an installation DVD or mount the ISO. See Downloading the OVA File and ISO Images.

  3. Launch remote deployment from the DPX Program Group (Start > Programs > DPX > DPX Remote Deploy).

  4. Respond to questions about the client machines and the time that you want to push the client software out to those machines. You will be prompted for the following:

    1. A drive letter for installation media or mounted ISO.

    2. The name of the DNS domain that contains the machines which are to receive the client software (for example,

    3. The host name of the master server.

    4. The path to an existing temporary directory on each remote machine that will hold the installation program during remote deployment (for example, C:\windows\temp). You may delete this directory after you are finished with remote deployment.

    5. The address of the DNS server.

    6. The host names of machines that should receive the client software. This is done by editing a host name list (one host per row) that DPX generates and opens in Notepad. You should exclude nodes, for example the local machine, where DPX is already installed. The setup program will not continue until you save and close the Notepad.

    7. The time you want to run the installation program on each remote machine, in 24 hour clock format hh:mm. The client installation will be scheduled to run with the at or schtasks commands on the client. Note. Make sure the installation time is set late enough to ensure that installation software is delivered to the designated hosts (see step 5) before installation begins.

    8. You will be prompted for the user name and password for each target machine listed in the Notepad. The user name and password are required for remote deployment.

  5. A series of script files will be created in the My Documents folder on the local machine for the domain administrator account. These scripts deploy the client installation software to the designated hosts.

    • The push file script is C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\<Domain Name>-<Computer Name>-push.bat. For example:

    • The installation program is <Domain Name>-<Computer Name>.bat. For example:

    To the prompt "Do you want to run the push script now?" respond Y to execute the scripts. Respond N if you want to run each script later from a console window.

    • If you respond Y to execute the script now, another console window appears displaying the progress. Press any key to close the console window after the script finishes running. You can always continue to configure the nodes in the main window while the previous script is running.

    • If you respond N, you must run the push scripts manually before the scheduled installation time for each node. You can also change the scheduled time within the push script.

Note. Ensure the installation media is accessible from the local machine when the script is run.

  1. If you want to deploy the software to machines in more than one domain or to different destination paths, reissue the following run-java command with each of the desired settings:

run-java WinRemoteDeploy -i

Note. After completion, the installation program will automatically delete space used for installation on the machine.

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