Exchange Folder Level Setup in a Cluster

The procedures required to enable folder level backup and restore of Exchange servers are provided in Chapter 48: Microsoft Exchange Interface. In a cluster that contains Exchange server(s), those procedures must be run on each physical cluster node in accordance with the following rules:

  1. For each Exchange server in the cluster, run the Exchange Folder Level Setup procedures once on each cluster node. That is, if you have a four-node cluster with two Exchange servers, run the procedure twice on each node, for a total of eight times (4x2=8). This requires you to create the same two profiles on each server.

  2. All of the Exchange servers in a given cluster must run under the same Administrator ID and password.

Note. The Exchange Folder Level Setup procedures are documented in Chapter 48: Microsoft Exchange Interface. Running the Exchange Folder Level Setup procedures is required only for folder-level operations. For cluster users interested in using DPX to manage Exchange servers at the database level only, there is no need to run these procedures.

If you are upgrading from a previous release of DPX and your Enterprise is already set up for folder level Exchange support, you should not need to execute these procedures. However, if all Exchange servers on a given cluster do not have identical profiles or the profiles do not have identical passwords, you must do the following:

  1. Copy your EXMAPI_PROFILE registry entry, and modify the copied entry to include a _SERVERNAME extension, where SERVERNAME is a unique Exchange server name in a given cluster.

  2. In the new EXMAPI_PROFILE_SERVERNAME and EXMAPI_PASSWORD_SERVERNAME registry entries, specify a common profile value and common password value for the various Exchange Servers on each cluster.

Warning! Changes to registries or environmental variables should be done only by qualified administrators. If done incorrectly, such changes can adversely affect applications or operating systems. Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support if you need assistance.

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