Manual Setup Procedure for Clusters

The following manual setup procedure is included for troubleshooting purposes only. Because all the steps described are performed automatically during installation of client software on your physical cluster nodes, you should not need to execute this procedure.

Note that the procedure might vary slightly, depending on your network and cluster implementation.

  1. Install client software in the same folder and same partition on all physical nodes in the cluster. For example:

     c:\\Program Files\\bex

    DPX must not be installed on a shared disk.

  2. In the bin directory, execute the command shutcm.exe. This stops the communication agent service so that its properties can be modified.

  3. Installation installs cmagent and creates the Windows registry entry for each physical node. Check to ensure that it was correctly installed by reviewing the services under Administrative Tools > Services and reviewing the data in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\hostname\0.

    Warning! Changes to registries or environmental variables should be done only by qualified administrators. If done incorrectly, such changes can adversely affect applications or operating systems. Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support if you need assistance.

    If the key was incorrectly installed, you can install the service by doing the following:

    • If necessary, create the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\hostname\0.

    • Run the following command from the tools folder:

        bexsvc.exe --ins --name CMAGENTservicehostname0 --args “--SSICMENV 
        BackupExpress\hostname\\0” --acc “MyDomain\\MyAdministrator” --pass 
        “MyPassword” --path “c:\\Program Files\\bex\\bin\\cmagent.exe” --mode auto

      This command inserts CMAGENTservicehostname0 in the list of services on the node. Remember to repeat this step on every physical node in the cluster. For usage notes, execute bexsvc.exe --help.

      The SSICMAPI variable is in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\hostname\0. The following is an example of a registry entry:




      -sbs 655350 -tnd -hn

  4. Install an additional communication agent service on each physical node in the cluster. This becomes the communication agent for the virtual node.

    To install the service, create the registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\virtual_node_name\0 and run the following command from the tools folder on each physical node in the cluster:

     bexsvc.exe --ins --name CMAGENTservicevirtual\_node\_name0 --args “--SSICMENV BackupExpress\virtual\_node\_name\\0” --acc “MyDomain\\MyAdministrator” --pass “MyPassword” --path “c:\\Program Files\\bex\\bin\\cmagent.exe” --mode man

    This command inserts CMAGENTservicevirtual_node_name0 in the list of services on the node. Remember to repeat this step on every physical node in the cluster. For usage notes, execute bexsvc.exe --help.

    The following guidelines apply for installation of the communication agent for the virtual node:

    • The naming convention for this additional communication agent service is CMAGENTservicevirtual_node_name0. For the environmental variable, the convention is SSICMAPI.

    • CMAGENTservicevirtual_node_name0 and SSICMAPI must be replicated exactly on every physical node in the cluster.

  5. Assign a new, unused IP address to the virtual node. This must be an available public network address that will be bound to the public network NIC. To do this, in the Windows registry of each physical node, append the hostname flag -hn virtual_IP_address to the SSICMAPI variable that you associated with CMAGENTservicevirtual_node_name0. This variable is in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\virtual_node_name\0. The following is a registry entry example for this step:




    -sbs 655350 -tnd -hn

    The data value for SSICMAPI should be identical except for the IP address.

  6. Set up DPX as part of a Microsoft managed (Windows) cluster by using the Microsoft Cluster Administrator. In this step, you organize DPX as a separate group called “DPX,” and you add IP Address, Network Name, and Cmagent resources to that group.

    You can do this from the Cluster Management console or from the command line on any of the physical cluster nodes. Each of these options is described below.

  • Option 1. Cluster Management Console

    From the Cluster Management Console, do the following:

    • Organize the virtual nodes in the cluster as a separate group called DPX. Make sure this group is owned by all physical nodes.

    • Add the IP Address to the group DPX as an IP Address resource type. Make sure you use the same IP Address that you specified for SSICMAPI.

    • Add the Network Name to the group DPX as a Network Name resource type. The Network Name resolves the IP address you have given to the virtual node.

    • Add the Cmagent for the virtual nodes to the group DPX as a Generic Service resource type. Use the service name CMAGENTservice* virtual_node_name0.

    Note. In the steps above, you must not change names that are in bold typeface.

    Bring the DPX group online.

  • Option 2. Command Line

    From the command line of any physical cluster node, enter a series of cluster commands. Follow the example below. The example makes the following assumptions:

    • NodeX and NodeY are the names of the physical nodes in the cluster.

    • <product-name>Clust is the name of the virtual node.

    • is the IP address of the virtual node.

Example of Commands for Setting Up a Windows Cluster

Enter the following from any physical cluster node (NodeX or NodeY in this example):

cluster group “&lt;product-name&gt;”/create

cluster group “&lt;product-name&gt;”/prop description= ”Sample Cluster”

cluster group “&lt;product-name&gt;”/setowners:NodeX,NodeY

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; IP Address”/create/group:”ClusterGroup” /type:”IP Address”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; IP Address”/priv Address=””

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; IP Address”/priv SubnetMask=””

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; IP Address”/priv NetWork=PUB

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Network Name”/create/group:”ClusterGroup” /type:”Network Name”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Network Name”/priv Name=”&lt;product-name&gt;Clus”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Network Name”/adddep:"&lt;product-name&gt; IP Address”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Cmagent”/create/group:"&lt;product-name&gt;” /type:"Generic Service”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Cmagent”/adddep:”&lt;product-name&gt; Network Name”

cluster resource “&lt;product-name&gt; Cmagent”/privproperties ServiceName= “CMAGENT&lt;product-name&gt;Clus0”

cluster group “&lt;product-name&gt;”/online

The last command brings the cluster group online.

Last updated