Restoring Lotus Notes Databases

Any Lotus Notes database that was successfully backed up with a Base/Incremental scheme using the procedures described in Backing Up Lotus Notes Databases can be restored using standard restore procedures.

  1. Open the File Restore window in the management console.

  2. Expand the Lotus Domino disk in the source pane.

  3. Select the instance of the Lotus Domino database that you want to restore.

  4. Select from the DAOSDIR directory the associated files to restore.

  5. Restore to the original location or to an alternate location. If you choose to restore to an alternate location, the following conditions apply:

    • You must restore to an alternate location within the DATADIR directory. Restoring Lotus database files to the main file system is not supported.

    • You must restore to the same platform from which the backup source originated.

For more details on defining a restore job, see Chapter 21: Restore.

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