Enabling Object Lock in Catalogic DPX

Take the following steps to enable or disable Object Lock for your cloud storage:

  1. Log in to the Java-based DPX Management Interface.

  2. In the function tab bar, open the Backup tab. Click Block in the task pane.

  3. In the task pane for Block, Archive to Media Wizard in the Job Tasks section to open the Archive to Media Wizard dialog.

  4. Click New Job to create a new Archive job or select an existing Archive job in the Edit Job section, then click Edit Job.

  5. In the Select Source page, drill down and select a single Block backup instance. Click Next.

  6. In the Select Destination page, select the cloud storage. Click Next.

  7. In the Job Options page, open the Source tab.

  8. Set Object Lock to Yes to enable the Object Lock.

  9. In the Save page, click Schedule Job if you want to define a job schedule.

See also. For more information about scheduling backup jobs, see Catalogic DPX Reference Guide: Specifying a Schedule for the Backup Job

  1. Name the job and click Finish to save the Archive job. You are prompted as to whether or not you want to run the job on demand; click either Yes or No.

Last updated