Previewing Scheduled Jobs

To view a particular job scheduled for a given date:

  1. Click the Preview tab in the Job Schedule dialog box.

  2. Select the Display Calendar option from the drop-down menu that displays in the Schedule Preview dialog box.

  3. Select a date from the display calendar, then click OK. Dates that appear in red identify the days scheduled for running this particular job.

  4. Select Current Job to see the details for the current job as it is scheduled for this date. Information for the selection appears in the lower part of the window.

To view a list of jobs scheduled on a given date:

  1. Click the Preview tab in the Job Schedule dialog box.

  2. Select the Display Calendar option from the drop-down menu that displays in the Schedule Preview dialog box.

  3. Select a date from the display calendar, then click OK. Dates that appear in red identify the days scheduled for running this particular job.

  4. Select All Jobs to see the full list of jobs scheduled to run on this date. Information for the selection appears in the lower part of the window.

Last updated