Assigning Media in a Tape Library to a Media Pool

This function is used to assign to a media pool a media volume not already assigned to a media pool.


  • To move a media volume from one media pool to another use the Configure Media window, see Moving Media Volumes.

  • Before you can add tape volume to a tape library, the -NLIFREADERR environment setting to the SSTPTMM environment variable must be set on the tape library device server. If the SSTPTMM environment variable is not set, set it and properly shut down the communication agent (cmagent) and restart. For Windows, DPX registry entries are in:


Warning! Changes to registries or environmental variables should be done only by qualified administrators. If done incorrectly, such changes can adversely affect applications or operating systems. Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support if you need assistance.

To assign media to a media pool:

  1. Before adding a media volume, from the menu bar, select Option > Add Tape Volume > Enable All Methods. (An * next to Enable All Methods indicates that it is selected.)

  2. Select the Add Tape Volume to a Media Pool function by doing one of the following:

    • From the menu bar, select Function > Add Tape Volume.

    • On the task panel, click Add Tape Volume.

  3. Drag the media volume from its slot to the media pool to which you want to add the media volume. The targeted media pool is highlighted as you drag the media in to the media pool.

  4. Do one of the following to execute the operation.

    Tip. You can select multiple tape library slots, drives, and import/export ports. Select any of the resources in the tape library by clicking it. To select a range of resources SHIFT-click the last resource in the range. To select additional resources without unselecting those already selected, CTRL-click each subsequent resource to be selected.

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume to be added to a media pool and drag the media volume onto the media pool to which you want to add the media volume.

    • Select the tape library slot containing the media volume to be added to a media pool and select the media pool to which you want to add the media volume.

    Once you have selected the slot and media pool, click GO on the task panel.

    The Add Tape Volume dialog box appears.

  5. Complete the active fields in the Add Tape Volume dialog:

    • Media_Label

    From the pull-down list, select the method used to specify the VOLSER. The following selections are available:

    Use Barcode

    DPX uses the barcode on the media volume. This entry appears only if your tape library has barcode capabilities, the SSJUKER barcode option was set, and the tape has a barcode that was read by the barcode reader. This is the recommended option. This selection activates the Maximum_Pass, the Capacity, and the Long_Barcode_Handling fields.Media volumes are easier to manage if the barcode, the volser on the volume label, and the volser in the media pool all match. When performing backups and restores, DPX verifies the volser on the volume label against the volser in the media pool.

    Use Free Volsers

    DPX selects available (unassigned) volsers from the selected media pool.

    Specify Starting VOLSER

    DPX sequentially labels multiple media volumes at the same time. This selection activates the Starting VOLSER, the Maximum_Pass, and the Capacity fields. For Starting VOLSER, enter up to six alphanumeric characters, no spaces. If you are labeling multiple tapes, DPX increments the number by one for each tape. It is best to use a volser that is not yet defined. If you use a defined volser, its status must be new.

    • Maximum_Pass

    Enter a number recommended by the manufacturer (for example, 500). After the specified number of read/write passes, DPX no longer requests the media volume for backups and will not accept it if it is mounted for backup. It is still available for restores. This option is not always enforced.

    • Capacity

    Capacity is the native storage capacity of the media volume(s). Enter a number, then select a unit of measure from the pull-down menu: megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). DPX uses this field to estimate free space on a media volume, but this field does not affect the amount of data DPX can actually store on the media volume.

  6. Click OK. DPX acquires the drive and adds the media volume to the media pool.

Note. For AML, IBMATL, and ACSLS tape libraries, the Add Tape Volume function is inactive.

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