Prerequisites for Holding or Releasing Scheduled Jobs

You can hold all future scheduled instances of a defined job from running until you are ready for the job to proceed. The jobs to hold must meet the following prerequisites:

  • The job definition must be in the catalog and scheduled.

  • The job type must be one that you can create in the management console.

  • You cannot hold a DAILY_SCHED job.

Note. If you hold a job that is currently running, was run in the past, suspended, or never run, all future scheduled instances of the job will be placed on hold. Unlike Suspend, Hold does not affect a running job, and Hold acts on all instances of the defined backup, whereas Suspend acts on a single backup instance. See Suspending Jobs.

Note. You can run a held job any time by opening the job and click Run or Run and Monitor.

Attention! Modifying and resaving a held job releases the Hold. To hold a resaved job, you must select and Hold it again.

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