Seeding Stage 2

At this point in the seeding process, you create a seeding restore job and restore the base backup to the Catalogic DPX Open Storage Server. You create a restore job the same way you do for any other Block restore. In this case, in the SOURCES pane select the media you received from the remote location, for example, i_seedbackup, and in the DESTINATIONS pane select the Catalogic DPX Open Storage Server volume.

Take the following steps to define a seeding restore job:

  1. Click Restore, then in the Task Panel, click Block.

  2. In the Task Panel, click Define Seeding Job.

  3. In the SOURCES pane, expand the display, browse to a snapshot backup instance, then click a selection box to select a resource to restore. The job name that displays in the Backup Instances Job Name column reflects the job name you used in Seeding Stage 1. However, in Seeding Stage 2 the job name appears with an i_ prefix. The job name with the i_ prefix also appears among Image backup jobs. For example, seedbackup will be listed as i_seedbackup.

  4. In the DESTINATIONS pane, expand the display and select a directory to restore to. If you do not select a restore destination, the files are restored to the original location. When creating the Seeding Stage 2 restore job, restore all of the volumes that were backed up during Stage 1. It is not necessary, however, to select every volume. Selecting any one of the backed up volumes automatically selects all the volumes. A message confirms that all backup volumes in Remote Seeding Stage 1 are automatically selected for Stage 2.

  5. In the Task Panel, click Save Restore Job. The Save Seeding Job dialog box appears. Name the job, up to 16 alphanumeric characters, and select OK.

  6. In the Task Panel, click Run Restore Job. The Starting Job dialog box appears. Click OK to close that dialog box. The restore job starts.

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