Running the Installer for the Client, OSS, or Proxy from the ISO Image

Once you have downloaded the ISO image, run the installer in one of the following ways:

  • For Windows, use an appropriate tool to extract the installer from the ISO image to a network share accessible to the machine you are installing on. Browse from that machine to the installer for the operating system and run the installer. For UNIX/Linux, mount the ISO image on a network share accessible to the machine you are installing on. Browse from that machine to the installer for the operating system and run the installer.

  • Burn a DVD from the ISO image, insert the DVD into a DVD drive on the machine you are installing on, browse to the installer for the operating system, and run the installer. If the machine you are installing on has a CD drive, you can burn the ISO to a CD if the image is small enough.

  • If you are using VMware, it is generally convenient to copy the DPX and BMR ISO images you require for your operating systems to a common shared datastore where VMs can attach to the ISOs for use.

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