Collecting Job Logs on the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface

Take the following steps to collect jobs logs on the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface:

  1. Log into the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface. From the navigation pane, go to Job Monitor.

  2. In the job list, click More Actions (⋯) of the job that you want to collect its job log, and click either one of the following items:

    • Run instance job collection

    Download a job log of the selected job. The log file is compressed and archived in ZIP format. The ZIP file name is job-instance-<unix time stamp>.zip, where <unix time stamp> represents the time stamp of the start time in UNIX time. For example, if you start collecting the instance job collection on January 1, 2022 at midnight UTC, you can download

    • Run job log collection

    Download a collection of all jobs in the entire Catalogic DPX. The log file is compressed and archived in TAR format and ZIP format. The ZIP file name is job-collection-<unix time stamp>.zip, where <unix time stamp> represents the time stamp of the start time in UNIX time. Typically, this task takes a few minutes to complete and show a browser notification.

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