Reviewing Jobs

You can review your scheduled jobs in the DPX Management Interfaces.

Reviewing schedules jobs in the Java-based DPX Management Interface

To review scheduled jobs on the task panel, click Review Scheduled Jobs. The Review Jobs window opens as a new window.

Showing the Jobs Calendar

To get a list of all jobs scheduled for a specific date, select a date on the calendar by clicking on it. All jobs scheduled for the selected date(s) appear in the job list window.

  • To select a range of dates in the Jobs Calendar, click the first date and Shift-click the last date. The included dates will be highlighted, and all scheduled jobs in the date range will appear in the jobs list window.

  • To include or exclude a date in the Jobs Calendar, Ctrl-click each date you want to include in the job list.

Starting a Job from the Review Jobs Window

Run a job by right-clicking on an individual job in the job list window, and selecting “Start”.

Rerunning a Failed Backup Job

Rerun a failed backup job by right-clicking on a failed job in the job list window and selecting “Fail Nodes Rerun”. For more information about rerunning a failed backup job, see Rerunning a Failed Backup Job in the Reference Guide.

Monitoring a Job

To monitor a job, select the desired job. Then, from the menu bar, select Scheduler > Monitor. Or, select the desired job. Then, on the task panel, click Monitor Job.

The lower or right pane (depending on the selected “view” setting) behaves just like the lower or right pane of the general Jobs Monitor window.

See also. For more information about monitoring jobs in Catalogic DPX, see Monitoring Jobs.

Last updated