Installing Catalogic DPX Plug-in for VMware vSphere Client

Take the following steps to install and activate Catalogic DPX Plug-in for VMware vSphere Client on Catalogic DPX:

Attention! Do not simply click Install in the VMware vSphere Plugin section of the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface. Complete the instructions in this section carefully.

  1. Log in to a shell session of the Catalogic DPX Master Server, typically, by using an SSH client.

  2. Run the following commands and ensure that the Catalogic DPX Environment variables are loaded:

    grep -n $PATTERN /opt/catalogic/dpx.yml

    Ensure that you are seeing similar output:

    80:      - AUTH_URL_FORMAT=http://%s/auth
    81:      - DPX_MASTER_URL_FORMAT=http://%s/app/api
    82:      - SERVER_SSL_THUMBPRINT=01:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF:00:11:22:33:44:55:

Tip. If you do not see these three key-value pairs in the output, redo the instructions in Reloading the Catalogic DPX Environment in the shell session.

  1. Log in to the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface from a supported web browser.

  2. From the navigation pane, go to Nodes.

  3. Open the VMware vCenter node for the VMware vSphere Client that you want to install Catalogic DPX Plug-in.

  4. Open the VMware vSphere Plugin tab. Click Install to open the Install Plugin Version dialog.

  5. In the Install Plugin Version dialog, select the version of Catalogic DPX Plug-in. Click Save.

In the VMware vSphere Plugin tab, see brief information about Catalogic DPX Plug-in: the plug-in version, installation status, and so on.

Last updated