Elements of the Control Devices Window
Device Icon Color Coding
The left side of the icon for a device contains a small square at the left. This square is color coded to indicate a status for that device.
Downed Device
The red X denotes a downed device.
Available Device
The green circle denotes an available device.
SAN Downed Device
The red X along with a green T denotes a downed SAN device.
SAN Available Device
The along with a green T green circle denotes an available SAN device.
Control Devices Resource Tree
The Control Devices resource tree displays the hierarchical structure of the device clusters, tape libraries, and devices.
The hierarchical structure presents a SAN Device Path and non-SAN Device (the lowest levels in the hierarchy) in a similar format for consistency. The SAN Path represents the device itself. The format of a SAN Device Path or non-SAN Device consists of
Control Devices Context Menus
In Control Devices, context menus vary according to the status of the device. For example, you can not down a device that is not up. Thus, if a device is down, Up Device appears on the context menu, but Down Device does not. Task descriptions describe context menus as appropriate.
Control Devices Menus
In addition to the common menu options (see Common Menu Bar Options in the User's Guide), the Control Devices window also contains the Device menu.
To access an item in the Device menu, do one of the following:
From the menu bar, select Device. Then select the desired item.
Use the keyboard shortcut [ALT+D], use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to select the desired menu item, then press [Enter].
The Device menu items are described in the topics that follow.
Control Devices Task Panel Buttons
The Control Devices task panel buttons are described in the topics that follow.
Control Devices Column Headings
Each column in the Control Devices window offers information useful for controlling the individual devices.
The device column displays the device icon followed by the device name. As you roll over either one with your mouse, a tool tip will appear giving some information about the device.
Device Cluster
The device cluster column displays a device cluster or tape library icon and name. As you roll over either one with your mouse, a tool tip will appear giving some information about the device cluster or tape library.
The VOLSER is taken from the label of a media volume when the volume is mounted on a device and the label is read.
The status column indicates the current status of the operation of the drive, for example, loading or unloading.
Control Path
The name of the node from where the device is being driven.
Acquired by
The management console or job name that has acquired the device.
If the tape library has a barcode reader and the media volume has a barcode, it is displayed in this column.
Request for Mount
This column indicates if the operator was asked to mount a media volume in this device.
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