Running a Copy Job

A copy job must be open to run it. See Opening an Existing Copy Job Definition. You can view the job monitor when the run is initiated.

Note. A copy definition must be saved as a job before it can be run. See Saving a Copy Job.

To run a copy job immediately, without monitoring, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the Enterprise name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Run.

  • From the menu toolbar, select Copy > Run.

  • On the task panel, click Run a Copy Job. The copy job begins.

To run a copy job immediately, with monitoring, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the Enterprise name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Run and Monitor.

  • From the menu toolbar, select Copy > Run And Monitor.

  • On the task panel, click Run and Monitor a Copy Job.

The copy job begins. The dedicated job monitor for the given copy job appears. See Monitoring a Copy Job.

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