Configurable Parameters

The following section describes some of the parameters that are configurable on the master server and client nodes. Leave any parameters not documented in these sections at their default values unless recommended by Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support.

  • Master Server Configuration File Parameters


    If your master server needs to go through a HTTP proxy to get access to the customer service website, change this parameter to the value of the fully qualified DNS name of the proxy server.

    Example: master|agent|socsProxyHost|


    If your HTTP proxy is listening on a port different from the reserved HTTP port 80, set this parameter value to the corresponding port number.

    Example: master|agent|socsProxyPort|8080


    This parameter controls the TCP port used for software update deployment control. Unless a change is required due to possible port conflict, keep this parameter at its default value. For example, to set the port number to 50012, change the parameter to: master|rme|serviceport|50012

  • Client Node Configuration File Parameters


    This parameter specifies the TCP port used for software update deployment control. Unless a change is required due to possible port conflict, keep this parameter at its default value. For example, to set the port number to 50010, change the parameter to: client|rme|serviceport|50010


    This parameter controls the TCP port used for software update packages transfer. Unless a change is required due to possible port conflict, keep this parameter at its default value. For example, to set the port number to 50011, change the parameter to: client|rme|transferport|50011

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