Job Destination Options for NDMP Restore

The Set Job Destination Options dialog allows you to set options related to restore destinations. The options displayed depend on the restore mode.

An explanation of each field in the dialog and the available choices follows:

  • Existing File Handling

    Tells DPX how to behave if it finds a file at the destination with the same name as the file that it is restoring.

    Replace Existing Files

    Restores the file to a temporary file, ensures that the restore is successful, and then writes over the existing file with the like-named file being restored.

    Delete Existing Files Before Restore

    Restores the file to a temporary file, ensures that the restore is successful, and then writes over the existing file with the like-named file being restored.

  • Missing Directories

    Controls how DPX behaves if it tries to restore a file to a directory and discovers that the directory does not exist.

    Use Full Privileges

    Uses the file privileges the file possessed when it was originally backed up.

    Use Parent Privileges

    Applies the file privileges of the parent directory into which the files are being restored.

    Use Root Privileges

    Applies the file privileges of the root directory into which the files are being restored.

The next field only applies when you are restoring data to a new location.

  • Destination Path

    Destination Path determines whether DPX retains the original tree structure when you restore to a new location.

    Absolute Path

    Retains the original tree structure. For example, if on a Windows machine you backed up C:\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin, and restore to C:\NewPrjs\Test, the absolute destination path is C:\NewPrjs\Test\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin.

    Relative Path

    Removes the parent directories and puts the file in the new restore directory. For example, if on a Windows machine you backed up C:\NewPrjs\Dev\Bin, and restore to C:\NewPrjs\Test, the relative destination path is C:\NewPrjs\Test\Bin.

  • Additional NDMP Environment

    This option allows you to introduce any additional NDMP environment variables that are necessary for the backup task. Specify your environment variables as an ASCII string with an environment variable name and value pairs using the following syntax:


    Note that syntax validation is not performed on the specified value at job definition time, but rather at run time. Only valid entries are added to the NDMP operation environment.

    Do not specify any of the following NDMP environment variables in your variable string because DPX controls these specifically:


    • DEBUG

    • DIRECT



    • FILES


    • HIST

    • LEVEL

    • PREFIX



    • TYPE

    • UPDATE


    Specifying the variables above may cause unexpected results due to unpredictability of the order in which they are evaluated. NDMP servers from different vendors may support different NDMP environment variables. Except for a few well-known environment variable names, there is currently no standardized set of such variables. This option allows you to add environmental variables specific to your NDMP server.

  • NDMP Recover Mode

    Determines the type of recover operation to perform in NDMP restore tasks.


    Only the selected files and/or directories are restored.


    Direct Access Recovery (DAR) is performed. Select this option only if the NDMP server supports DAR.

    True Image

    Rebuilds an entire file system or subtree if base and incremental backups are restored in order.

  • Enable NDMP Server Logging

    Controls the routing of NDMP server generated log messages to the job log file.


    All NDMP server log messages will be routed to the master server’s job log file. Yes is the default.


    Direct Access Recovery (DAR) is performed. Select this option only if the NDMP server supports DAR.

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