Setting Copy Source Options

The Copy Source Option dialog controls the behavior of the source resources during a copy operation.

To define copy source options:

  1. Open the Copy Source Options dialog box by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the Enterprise name or icon to display a context menu. Then select Set Source Options.

    • From the menu toolbar, select Copy > Set Source Options.

    • On the task panel, click Set Source Options. The Set Source Options dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the Copy Source Options dialog box as needed.

An explanation of each field and the available choices follows:

Data Compression

Compresses data prior to network transmission.

Select Yes to compress data prior to transmission at the node being backed up. This setting is recommended if there is processing power available on the client nodes and network bandwidth is limited. This setting minimizes the impact of data transmission on data lines.

Or, select No to disable the data compression.

Skip NFS Volumes

Determines expected behavior when encountering an NFS (network file system) volume during a backup operation. NFS volumes are remotely mounted volumes owned by another node. This option also controls the backup behavior of drives that are mapped to the Microsoft Windows node (CIFS mount point).

Select No to back up NFS volumes and drives that are mapped to the Microsoft Windows nodes.

Or, select Yes so as no to back up NFS volumes or drives that are mapped to the Microsoft Windows nodes.

  • Open File Retries

    If you are not using an open file manager, this option controls how many times DPX attempts to back up an open file. If you enter zero, DPX skips open files. If you enter a number, DPX waits until all the files on the node have been backed up then tries again to save the open files. DPX attempts this the number of times you enter here.

  • Down Node Retries

    Controls how DPX behaves when it cannot establish contact with a node during a backup operation. If you enter zero, DPX skips unreachable nodes. If you enter a number, DPX waits until all the reachable nodes have been backed up and then retries the nodes that it could not back up on its first attempt. The number you enter determines how many times DPX tries to reach unreachable nodes.

  • Task Retry Intervals (Minutes)

Determines how long to wait before retrying failed tasks.

When a task fails (due to permission problems, open files, interim job changes, etc.), it waits the number of minutes specified in this field before attempting that task again. Because the same failure might occur if the task is retried too soon, it is better to allow some time for an error to be corrected before retrying the task. A task is only retried once. Failing tasks appear in error message lists in the Job Log. All tasks are subject to retry.

Pre-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute prior to the actual job.

If Pre-Script fails

The action to take if the Pre-Job Script fails to successfully complete.

If Job fails

The action to take if the Job fails to successfully complete.

Post-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute after the actual job.

See also. For more information about the Pre-Job Scripts and Post-Job Scripts, see Pre-Scripts and Post-Scripts in the Reference Guide.

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