Change Appropriate Node References

In the Block Restore window, change the secondary node reference from the original Block backup instance to the mirrored Block backup instance or the cloned Block backup instance. By changing the secondary node reference, you are redirecting the restore from the original instance to the alternate instance. To change the secondary node references:

  1. Open the Block Restore window from the management console.

  2. In the restore source pane, select the backup instance you want to map.

  3. Right-click the backup instance you selected. From the context menu, select Alternate Secondary Node. The SnapVault Secondary Node dialog box appears.

  4. In the Node List pull-down menu, select the secondary node name that contains the mirrored or cloned backup instance. Note that the Node List pull-down menu only contains SnapVault secondary nodes.

  5. In the Drive List pull-down menu, if the alternate secondary uses a different drive than the initial secondary, select the drive name that contains the mirrored backup instance. Click OK.

    In the source pane of the Block Restore window, the secondary node name under the Secondary Node header changes to the alternate secondary node and the drive name under the Secondary Volume and Secondary Qtree headers reflects your selection on the Drive List pull-down menu.

At this point, you are ready to map the alternate secondary. The procedure for mapping the alternate secondary is identical to that for the initial secondary. See Mapping a Block Backup Instance to a Drive Letter.

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