Catalog Backup Job Notification Options

The Catalog backup notification is essential. It enables you to quickly locate your latest Catalog backup. The information you need is contained in the backup report generated when you perform a backup. Thus, it is critical that you keep the Catalog backup report easily available for use during a disaster recovery.

The easiest way to ensure you have a copy of the Catalog backup report is to have it email automatically when the Catalog backup completes.

The Job Notification Options dialog controls who receives messages pertaining to the current job when it is run. Take the following steps to configure notification options for Catalog Backup jobs:

  1. From the function tab bar, open the Catalog tab.

  2. From the task pane, open Backup in the Catalog Operations section.

  3. From task panel, click Set Notification Options in the Other Tasks section to open the Set Job Notification Options dialog box.

  4. Configure the following options:

Mail Information

Two sets of mail information can be specified:

  • Output Email

    Specifies that the subsequent fields apply to reports that are sent when a job has completed.

  • Operator Email

    Specifies that the subsequent fields apply to mount requests, error messages, and informational messages that are sent during a job.


The email address of the primary recipient of your message. Only one “To” address is permitted.


Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) of your message. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple email addresses.


Blind Carbon Copy. The email address of the secondary recipient not identified to other recipients. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple email addresses.


The subject of your message. The subject line usually contains a combination of straight text and variable elements.

Variables, which must begin with %, are replaced with actual corresponding values. If you enclose variables in double quotation marks, those variables are treated as literal values.

You can embed the following variables:

  • To

  • Cc

  • Bcc

  • Subject


  • %JOBID


  • %RC

Use %RC to include the return code in the message for this run of the job, when applicable.

Restrictions. You cannot use > (greater than), < (less than), ; (semicolon), or ' (single quote) in any field.

No Notification

Selecting this check box option temporarily disables notifications for the job without deleting the currently defined job notification data. This option is not available for Catalog backup or Copy.

Click OK to save the new notification options.

Last updated