Moving Media Volumes

Media volumes can be moved from one media pool to another compatible media pool by dragging and dropping the volumes.

To move media volumes from one media pool to another:

  1. Click the Configure tab on the Function Tab bar of the window, then click Media.

  2. Open the media pool from which you want to move media volumes (the source media pool) by clicking on the + next to its icon.

  3. Select the media volume(s) to be moved.

  4. Drag the selected media volume(s) to the destination media pool.

    If you select more than one volume to move, a message box asks you to confirm the multiple volume move.

  5. Click Yes.

As the media volumes are moved, they disappear from the source media pool. If the destination media pool is expanded, the selected media volumes appear in the destination media pool. Only the first media volume selected remains selected in the destination media pool.

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