Setting Exclusion Patterns

The following are guidelines for setting exclusion patterns:

  • In the Exclusion Pattern field, enter a file path and file name including the file extension. The exclusion pattern should use a full path starting at the volume level.

  • Begin all file paths with the directory separator. For UNIX or Linux backups, the directory separator must be the slash (/). For Windows, the directory separator must be the backslash (\).

  • To exclude more than one file, use ? as a single-character wild card and * as a multiple-character wild card.

  • As described in the sections above, you can enter multiple patterns and apply them to a single exclusion rule.

The following are exclusion pattern examples for backups of Windows nodes:

Backup Selection
Files to Exclude
Exclusion Pattern


All files named report.txt in Sales folder or subfolders



All files named report.txt in subfolders of Sales folder



All files of a certain type (for example, .txt) in Sales folder or subfolders



All files in Sales folder or subfolders with an extension starting with h, followed by any character and then a p



All .txt files in East folder or subfolders


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