Installing the Catalogic DPX Client on Linux, Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server, or IBM AIX

After reviewing all prerequisites, you can take the following steps to install the Catalogic DPX Client on Linux. Or, you can install the Catalogic DPX Client on Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server or IBM AIX in a similar way.

Attention! Do not install Catalogic DPX Client on VMs that will be backed up by using Agentless Backup for VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V.

  1. On your workstation, go to the Catalogic MySupport website (, log in, and go to the product page.

  2. In the product page, go to Software Download > New Installations or deployments > Client Software Installation. Download the Linux ISO file in your workstation. Copy the ISO image file to the client system, say, the home directory (~).

  3. Verify the MD5 checksum value of the ISO image file by comparing it with the value in the product web page:

    $ sudo md5sum ~/DPX_r-linux.iso
  4. Mount the ISO image file in the client system and go to this disk image. In Linux, for example, use the following commands:

    $ sudo mkdir /media/dpxclient/
    $ sudo mount ~/DPX_r-linux.iso /media/dpxclient/
  5. Run the installation program with the root privilege:

    $ sudo /media/dpxclient/DPX--linux-installer.bin

    Tip. You can run the installation program either from a command-line interface or a graphical interface with X Window system. In the graphical interface, the installer appears in a graphical dialog window.

    The installation program prompts you to read the Software License Agreement; proceed to the next step if you agree.

  6. Follow the instructions to set up the configurations:

    • Product directory to install the Catalogic DPX Client application (default: /opt/DPX/)

    • Catalogic DPX virtualization proxy server for VMware. Enter Y if you are using Catalogic DPX on the VMware environment and you want to install this proxy server program on the client machine. (default: Do not install the proxy server.)

    See also. Virtualization proxy servers coordinate operations for Agentless Backups of other virtual machines. As mentioned, do not install the Catalogic DPX Client on this virtual machine if you are planning to use the Agentless Backup with this client node. For more information about the Catalogic DPX Virtualization Proxy Server for VMware, see the following topics:

    • Logical node name (default: the host name of the client system)

    • Host name or the IPv4 address of the client node (default: the IPv4 address of the client system)

    • Group name. Enter a name of an existing node group to add this client node to the node group. Or, enter a new node group name so that Catalogic DPX creates a new node group with this name and add the client node to this new node group. (default: DefaultGroup)

    • Registering this client node with the Catalogic DPX Master Server as part of an Enterprise. If you answer 1 for Yes, enter the host name of the Catalogic DPX Master Server. (Default: Yes)

    • For Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server: enter the root password, eDirectory user name, and eDirectory password. Enter the eDirectory distinguished user name and password which contain the context of the user object.

    • Block Data Protection to create block-level snapshot backups on this client node. (default: Enable)

Complete the installation. If you have not registered the client node to the Catalogic DPX Master Server, go to the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface and add the client node to a node group.

See also. When you encounter any trouble while installing the Catalogic DPX Client for UNIX or UNIX-like systems, see the next section: Troubleshooting Installation of the Catalogic DPX Client on Linux or UNIX.

Last updated