Setting Up a Windows Cluster

Your Windows cluster is automatically set up to work with DPX during installation of client software. The cluster must already be created by using Microsoft Cluster Administrator. For client installation on a cluster node, follow the steps in Installing on Windows–New or Upgrade.

The following are additional considerations for setting up the cluster:

  • Install client software in the same folder and same partition on all physical nodes in the cluster. For example:

      c:\\Program Files\\bex

    DPX must not be installed on a shared disk.

  • In cases such as environments using a dedicated backup network, cluster nodes will have multiple NICs. If, in addition, cluster resources and the DPX group owner are on different physical servers, backups may fail because the IP addresses provided to DPX from the Cluster Administrator will be different from IP addresses on the backup network. This condition requires the following changes to Windows registry keys to enable DPX to recognize the second NIC:

    Warning! Changes to registries or environmental variables should be done only by qualified administrators. If done incorrectly, such changes can adversely affect applications or operating systems. Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support if you need assistance.

    1. Run Microsoft Registry Editor (regedit).

    2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<physical-node-hostname>\0

    3. Add the entry CLUSNIP$<physical-node-hostname>, with a string value equal to the desired network IP address of <physical-node-hostname>.

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each physical node in the cluster.

    5. For the virtual node, add a similar entry corresponding to each physical node. For example, if there are two physical nodes in the cluster, the entries would be as follows:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<virtual-node-hostname>\0\CLUSNIP$< physical-node-hostname-1> (with string value equal to the desired network IP address of <physical-node-hostname-1>)

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<virtual-node-hostname>\0\CLUSNIP$< physical-node-hostname-2> ( with string value equal to the desired network IP address of <physical-node-hostname-2>)

Note. DPX offers a standalone cluster setup utility, WinClusterConfigurator, which is documented in javautil.txt in the document library.

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