Considerations for Deleting VMs

Note the following considerations related to deleting VMs:

  • Successful agent-based RRP and Full Virtualization, as well as agentless Full Restore, automatically release LUNs, thus no cleanup is needed.

  • If VMs or VMDKs are deleted with vSphere, Catalogic DPX cannot remove the LUNs.

  • You can delete any VM or VMDK, not only those created by Catalogic DPX. However, note that deletion of a VM or VMDK is not reversible.

  • The ESX server or vCenter hosting the VM or VMDK to be deleted must be a node in the Catalogic DPX Enterprise. See Adding a Node in the Reference Guide.

  • Avoid using Storage vMotion to migrate VMs created with Instant Virtualization or Instant Recovery. In such cases, Catalogic DPX does not track the LUNs and is not able to remove them when it deletes the VM or VMDK.

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