Selecting a Module and Configuring its Parameters

The Parameter Configuration Interface scans the selected node to identify pertinent modules. Some environmental variables are assigned to virtual modules.

Select the module that you want to configure its parameters from the module drop-down list, and you can see the basic parameters of the selected module. Click the question mark icon to show a description of the parameter in a tooltip when you hover your mouse pointer over the name of each parameter.

Edit the parameters; you can either enter a value in a text field, select a value item from a drop-down menu, or check or clear a value item to enable or disable it.

Some parameters require the system restart for the node or Catalogic DPX. The parameters that you configured may show the following icons:

Train (“Need to restart Catalogic DPX”)

You must restart Catalogic DPX after saving the parameter changes.

Server (“Need to restart the node”)

You must restart the node that is relevant to the parameter.

Globe (“Restart Catalogic DPX in Enterprise”)

You must restart Catalogic DPX on more than one node in the Enterprise. This may be due to firewall configuration changes.

Last updated