Updating Catalogic vStor 4.8.0 to Version 4.8.1

After updating the operating system in the Catalogic vStor 4.8.0, follow the instructions in this section to update the application components to Version 4.8.1.

Attention! Do not proceed to this application update until you complete the operating system update in the previous section.

Take the following steps to upgrade the Catalogic DPX product components:

  1. In the shell session of the Catalogic vStor, switch to root access:

    $ sudo bash
  2. Go to the /home/admin/update/ directory in which the upgrade files are stored:

    # cd /home/admin/update/
  3. Run the update script without any flags:

    # ./update_vstor_4.8.1.sh vstor_with_os_full_4.8.1_physical.iso

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

Tip. If you get the error, "Package: kmod-kvdo", after finishing the dependency resolution step, remove the kmod-kvdo package from the system and retry to update Catalogic vStor. See the following knowledge base article for precise steps:

  1. After the upgrade script is completed, restart the system: # reboot now

After the system starts, open the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface from your web browser, click Help (?) > About vStor, and ensure that the Catalogic vStor version shows 4.8.1. Resume scheduled jobs that you paused earlier.

Last updated