Running SQL Server Backups
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To back up SQL Server, start the management console and go to the File Backup window. DPX automatically detects the presence of Microsoft SQL Server when SQL Server is running.
On the File Backup window, DPX displays Microsoft SQL Server disks as follows:
SQL Server default instance
a yellow disk labeled SQL$host_name
SQL Server named instance
a yellow disk labeled SQL$host_name\instance_name
The individual databases appear as folders beneath the disks. The following shows a configuration where SQL$WIN-2003-217 is the default instance:
To back up an individual database, expand the desired SQL Server disk, then click on the folder that identifies the database. To back up more than one database on the SQL Server, click on each additional folder. To back up all the databases on the SQL Server, click on the first folder, press the Shift key while clicking on the last folder. Then define the backup as you normally would. See Chapter 20: Backup.
Note. Microsoft recommends running DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKALLOC, and DBCC CHECKCATALOG before backing up SQL Server. If you enable the MSSQL DB Consistency Check option on the Source Options dialog box, DPX automatically runs these utilities for you when it backs up SQL Server. See the Setting Backup Source Options topics in Chapter 27: Backup Job Options.