Assigning Bar-coded Tapes

To label and assign tapes that have barcodes for a tape library with a bar code reader:

  1. Launch the management console.

  2. Open the Operate Tape Library window by selecting the Control Devices tab at the top of the window, then choosing Devices from the task pane. Click the tape library, then choose Operate Selected Tape Library from the task pane.

  3. On the Option menu, choose Format/Label, then select both Ignore Read Error and Ignore VOLSER.

  4. Choose Write Label from the task pane.

  5. Select the tapes to label and the tape drive to label them with. Multiple drives can be used if available. Do not click the Medium Not Known hyperlink on the tape itself. The Write Tape Label dialog appears.

  6. On the Write Tape Label dialog:

    1. Choose the media pool to assign the tapes to.

    2. In the Media Label field, choose Use Barcode.

    3. In the Maximum Pass field, enter 10000 or the maximum number of write passes allowed, as recommended by the tape manufacturer.

    4. In the Capacity field, enter a number and unit that approximates the compressed capacity of the tape. uses this field to estimate free space on a media volume, but this field does not affect the amount of data can actually store on the media volume.

    5. In the Long Barcode Handling field, choose the appropriate option for cutting eight-character barcodes to six characters.

  7. Click OK to start the tape labeling operation. Each tape in the library is loaded, labeled, and unloaded. records the tapes and locations in the Catalog.

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