Collecting Job Logs on the Java-based DPX Management Interface

Take the following steps to collect job logs on the Java-based DPX Management Interface:

  1. In the Java-based DPX Management Interface, open the Monitor Jobs tab or open the Review Scheduled Jobs window from the task pane.

  2. Right-click a job whose status is either “Completed”, “Failed”, or “Canceled”, and click one of the following options:

  • Collect Logs

    Collect and archive logs of the selected job in TAR format, log-collection-<timestamp>.tar, where <timestamp> represents the start time of the last repetitive job in the UNIX time format.

  • Collect All Job Logs

    Collect and archive all job logs in TAR format, and store this archive file: Master-job-logs-only.tar.

Ensure that you can open the log archive files in the logs directory of the Catalogic DPX Master Server.

See also. For more information, refer to the following documents:

A user can look at a log file by using any file editor, either command line or script oriented, that opens ordinary text files.

To enable the Node-Based Logging model, you must turn on the Boolean environmental variable, SSCOMMONLOG, on each node. The Module-Based logs are generated regardless of this setting.

See also. For more information about setting variables, see Setting Environmental Variables for Logging Model and BEXCollect in the Reference Guide.

Last updated