Filtering Displayed Devices in the Control Devices Window

To filter devices displayed in the Control Devices window

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click a Control Devices Column Heading.

    • From the menu bar, select Device.

  2. Select a filtering option.

The following describes the filtering options:

Show All Devices

Select Show All Devices to restore all devices to the resource tree as needed when Show Cluster, Show Only Free Devices, Show Only Active Devices, or Show Only InMount devices created the current resource tree display.

Show Only Free Devices

The Show Only Free Devices selection causes the window to display only devices that have not been acquired or downed.

If you have set Show Only Free Devices and acquire a device, that device is no longer free and disappears from the window. Selecting Show All Devices returns that device (and others not displayed) to the window.

Show Only Active Devices

The Show Only Active Devices selection causes the window to display only devices that are actively engaged.

Show Only In Mount Devices

The Show Only InMount Devices selection causes the window to display only devices that are waiting for a volume to be mounted.

Show Cluster

The Show Cluster selection is an entry only on the Control Devices column headings context menu. Selecting Show Cluster brings up a submenu list of device cluster. Clicking a device cluster name hides all other device clusters in the window. Clicking Show All Devices restores hidden clusters to the Device Resource Selection Space.

Warning! Although filtering can be very helpful, you should be aware that changing a device status may cause it to disappear from the display while filtering is active. For example, if you have set Show Only Free Devices and acquire a device, that device is no longer free and disappears from the window. Selecting Show All Devices returns that device and other filtered devices to the window.

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