File Sizes of Job Logs

You can limit the maximum size of the log files on a Catalogic DPX node by setting the environmental variable SSCMSGSIZE. Use a digit for KB. For example, every log files may have at most 32 KB of the file size, if you set SSCMSGSIZE to 32.

See also. To configure the environmental variables of Catalogic DPX, see Setting Environmental Variables for Logging Model and BEXCollect in the Reference Guide.

When Catalogic DPX is about to write a log message, it checks the file size, and if the file has reached its size limit, Catalogic DPX creates a new log file on the node and writes the log message to it. Multiple log files on a node for the same day are distinguished by an increasing number in the file name.

Because the purpose of SSCMSGSIZE is to manage disk space, only three log files are kept each day on any given node. As soon as a fourth log file is generated on the node in a given day, the earliest log file from that day is emptied out and at day-end (midnight) it is removed. As additional log files are generated, the earliest is emptied then removed, so that, as a general rule, no more than three log files are retained per node per day.

At midnight, Catalogic DPX attempts to clean up and remove unused or unneeded files. Manually restarting Catalogic DPX forces reinitialization of modules.

Attention! Some Microsoft Windows systemscan prevent Catalogic DPX from removing the log files. Ensure that you do not have old, unnecessary log files in the system.

Last updated