Option 2 - Profile Utilities

  1. Log into the Exchange server as a user who is a member of the domain administrator’s global group (for example, Administrator).

  2. Open a DOS prompt and change the directory to the tools subdirectory of your main directory.

  3. Run lsprof. If a mail profile for this user account (Administrator) is shown, skip to Step 6.

  4. If no mail profile is shown, use the mkprof utility (located in the same tools directory) to create one. Type the following:

    mkprof mail_profile_name Exchange_server_name user_account

    For example, if the account name is Administrator and the host name is WIN2KSERVER, you can create a mail profile called AdministratorMail by typing in the following:

    mkprof AdministratorProf WIN2KSERVER Administrator

Note. Outlook can also be used to create the Administrator mail profile.

  1. Run lsprof to ensure that the mail profile was generated.

  2. Open the Registry Editor in Windows, and go to the following location:


    Create the string value called EXMAPI_PROFILE_host_name with the value data matching exactly the name of the mail profile (AdministratorProf in the example above).

Warning! Only the system administrator should update the registry. If you edit the registry incorrectly, your computer may become nonfunctional.

  1. Start the Services applet in Control Panel.

  2. Change the login properties of the CMAGENT service to run under the Windows user account chosen in Step 1. This will take effect when the service is stopped and restarted

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