Setting Environmental Variables for Logging Model and BEXCollect

As discussed above, the variables SSCOMMONLOG and, optionally, SSCMSGSIZE are set as part of the node-based logging model. In addition, the BEXcollect utility, like other command line functions, requires specific settings for the environmental variables SSPRODIR and SSICMAPI.

The Parameter Configuration Interface facilitates the setting of variables such as these. Follow the following procedure to activate SSCOMMONLOG and SSCMSGSIZE on each node you want the node logging capability enabled:

  1. Enter the configuration management window as described in Parameter Configuration Interface in the User’s Guide.

  2. Select the general (General Options) module from the module drop-down list.

  3. Activate the “Advanced Parameter” Visibility to obtain access to SSCOMMONLOG and SSCMSGSIZE.

  4. Check the SSCOMMONLOG parameter and set its value to a non-zero value, for example 1.

  5. If you want to limit the size of the node logging feature log files, check the SSCMSGSIZE parameter and set its value to a non zero value representing the maximum size allowed for node logging log files, in Kilobytes.

  6. Click the Apply button to deploy the configuration changes to the currently selected node.

  7. A message box will alert you that the changes made will only take effect on the next backup of the node.

    Click OK to continue or Cancel if desired.

  8. A message box will then confirm the parameter changes have been applied.

  9. Repeat the operations for all the nodes on which you desire to have the node logging capability activated.

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